Bangkok is said to be the city that never sleeps, but if you’re settling in from 26 hours of plane travel with jetlag, you soon crash and burn. At least that’s how it seemed when the boys landed anyway. It’s a long haul from the United States and Cody had the longest treck coming from Alaska but this wasn’t his first rodeo. Two of the boys had never been to Thailand before so the Bangkok Nightlife was quite an eye-opener for them.
I have said this previously, and that is if you are planning to visit Bangkok, you might consider giving me a call to show you around the nightspots along Sukhumvit Road. We do have our Tuesday night meet-ups every 2 weeks, but that might not link up for you if you’re bouncing around the country. Don’t worry, with a little notice, I can usually find the time to join you as your wingman and make sure you don’t fall foul of the various shady activities that go along with nightlife activities.
Even though the boys called it quits at various stages throughout the night, we did have a lot of fun and for the two first-timers, they certainly weren’t disappointed. I did give them some useful tips and a little education for how the party girls work their magic which our viewers might find useful as well.
Sam’s 2000