I took a commute into Bangkok to sort out my banking with CitiBank. Stay tuned for part-b where I continue my journey around to Pantip Plaza and geek out 🙂
Central World
I took a commute into Bangkok to sort out my banking with CitiBank. Stay tuned for part-b where I continue my journey around to Pantip Plaza and geek out 🙂
Central World
Tags adventures in thailand aussie living in thailand bangkok bangkok bts bangkok shopping bangkok thailand Central World chanya and wazza chanya wazza adventures citibank citibank thailand motorcycle taxi moving to thailand open thai bank account skytrain thai Thailand thailand expat thailand vlog thailand vlogger Travel tuk tuk vlog vlogger
Christmas is in the air, and while Thailand doesn’t traditionally celebrate the holiday in its …
Join me on another Bangkok adventure! Today’s mission takes me across the city, starting with …