Some of the things I’d like to try on this channel is to get a better feedback engagement from our viewers and really get to know them better. I’m very engaged with our current audience who do post comments and questions, but with an average video seeing 1,500 views, I’m only getting a very small percentage of viewers leaving comments. Although this isn’t a problem at all, I would like to see more engagement and questions as I’m sure you’ve got them and that might help me with recording new material to help you guys with your plans to visit or live here.
Tags adventures in thailand aussie expat aussie living in thailand bangkok bangkok thailand channel feedback chanya and wazza expat living in thailand moving to thailand moving to thailand from australia q and a real life real people real thailand retire early retire early lifestyle retire thailand retire young Thailand thailand expat thailand expat life thailand expatriate living thailand vlog thailand vlogger Travel vlog vlogger
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