I caught an ad for the DJI Pocket a few days ago and it looks like it could be a neat addition to my kit bag. The DJI website gave all the necessary specs on the camera, but I wanted to get a feel for it. The Central Plaza Westgate Mall in Bang Yai has a DJI store so I decided to take a drive out there to have a look at it.
I know the images and videos I looked at online gave the impression that the device is small, but when I actually held it, the realization finally sinks in. This camera is SMALL!
Anyway, at 13,500 Baht plus another 1,900 Baht for a 64gb memory card is certainly something I can put on my shopping list, so maybe I can look at getting it around my birthday time. The main reason for the new camera is for the portability and it does look simple enough that Chanya could use it as well which should give the videos some alternate perspective when we’re out and about.
Central Plaza WestGate