The infamous Pattaya trip – Part 5

I first saw a sensory deprivation tank in a movie called the Altered States, and ever since then, I’ve wanted to try one out. Of course, the snowflakes of today’s society prefer the term Floatation Tank, but we know what they are in reality. The experience was worth the 30-year wait, and even as I write this 3 days later, it still profoundly influences my state of mind. We returned to Tree Town for a late lunch and then got ready for the Monday night’s entertainment. The first nightclub we took in was Heaven Above. It is a shame we can’t show you the inside of these places, but I was suitably impressed with the decor and the entertainment. The owner there was a fellow Aussie who made us feel at home. We were there for a couple of hours, and it was like someone yelled fire in our group as everyone else suddenly disappeared. I felt abandoned, so I took to the streets and headed back to Red Hot and Blue, which felt like our safe zone. Of course, most of the crew returned there again, so all was good. The next morning rolled in, and we were completely wrecked from the previous 3 days, so we jumped in the MG5 and drove home again.

Zenergize Float Centre

Heaven Above

Red Hot & Blue

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