Daily life around the globe will be changing for many people due to the ongoing spread of Covid-19 syndrome. Here in Racoon City, we are in lockdown with many businesses closed and social haunts shut down until further notice. Thankfully, not everything is closed, so Chanya made a call to Lalin Property to confirm they were still showing their estates.
Chanya has been home for 4 days now and she’s bored and wanted to do something. I could do with some fresh air too so we made our way out to another new housing estate to look around. As for me, I’m not seeing any real difference in my lifestyle as I’m usually sitting in front of my computer playing games. The only real difference for me is that I don’t go into the city or have sitdown meals at our local eateries. But life still goes on for now.
I can only guess the zombie apocalypse starts next month though!