Off to lunch then Design Village and then Home Pro

Still, nothing signed off on the new home front, but things are moving along. Now she wants to look at home upgrade stuff so we head out to lunch and then some window shopping. She chose another cute bistro just off Sai 3 called The Little Red Riding Hood Eatery & Garden. The food here was yummy with a mix of western and traditional Thai cuisine. The menu was in English and Thai so that was a plus and it is fairly close to home. We then headed off to Design Village to look at some home improvement options. After that, we then stopped off at Home Pro to pick up a new gas top cooker as the 4-year-old one just crapped out and the electric kettle fizzled out as well. You’ve got to love the planned obsolescence society is now presented with just to keep the economic machine running!

Little Red Riding Hood Eatery & Garden

Design Village

HomePro Phetkasem
โฮมโปร เพชรเกษม

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