Burgers at Mother Truckers with MotoLOS

So, Google street view from 2017 shows that Mother Trucker Burgers was located at the same place as it is now. This indicates they have been there for at least 2 years which is a good sign in Thai terms. There is nothing flashy about this place but the burgers are wonderful! They could certainly do with some outdoor fans to help move the air around a bit though. Even in the evening, this place was very warm because the air was still and we arrived in our protective riding gear.

It was another great meetup for the members of the MotoLOS riding group (Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/336320556885980/). I think the final count was 15 members turned up and a good assortment of big bikes too. Feel free to join the Facebook group to keep in touch with what’s being planned and you are welcome to ride with us anytime.

Mother Trucker Burger

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