I found a listing on my Facebook events page for the Thailand Games Expo 2020 so I had to go check this out. I was chatting with one of my followers on Discord about what might be suitable in gaming laptops so that was the focus I had with the walk around. I do realize that many people my age simply don’t see what the fascination is with computer gaming, but that doesn’t worry me. It is their loss and not mine. I can also see that most people my age probably found computers to be a pain or focused on a work angle, but the first introduction I had to computers was way back in 1972 on mainframes. That introduction was playing Star Trek on a line printer of all things. Computers and gaming have come a long way since then and I’m quite sure they have a long way to go from here.
Tags adventures in thailand aussie expat aussie living in thailand bangkok bangkok thailand chanya and wazza expat living in thailand game expo gaming laptops gaming laptops in thailand mobile expo moving to thailand real life real people real thailand retire early retire thailand retire young thai gaming laptops Thailand thailand expat thailand game expo 2020 thailand mobile expo 2020 thailand vlog thailand vlogger Travel vlog vlogger
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