When living in Australia, I never did like it when it rained especially when the rain set in for days on end over winter. The rainy season here in Thailand is a completely different affair though. I’m often given to wonder why more Australians aren’t choosing Thailand as a getaway destination during their wintertime. The rain here isn’t a problem at all!
Yes, it’s Wednesday again and as usual, Chanya wanted to go shopping at our local supermarket with the outside bargain stalls. It is a little comical with the way these vendors set up their rain guards, but aside from a little rain on the goods, the rain really isn’t a problem with life here in general. Of course, we are having some serious flooding up in the Thailand north and northeast, but that is how the seasons run over here. Why more preparation isn’t thought through on how to mitigate the monsoon rains simply shows the typical lack of forethought for any politician around the globe.
Big C Supercenter