Yes, the big marketing extravaganza rort is quite visible here in Thailand, but for most Thais, it’s just another day where some Thais get the day off, but that isn’t how it works for the general population. I haven’t put up a Christmas tree for the last 5 years, and quite frankly, I don’t miss it. We can see that life, and especially market life, is just like any other weekend here at Sanam Luang 2 market. Given it is a Sunday and some Thais actually get the day off regardless of Christmas Day, it was busier than we usually see it here.
Tags adventures in thailand asian life aussie expat aussie living in thailand bangkok bangkok thailand chanya and wazza christmas in thailand christmas in thailand 2022 christmas in thailand traditions christmas shopping christmas thailand life in thailand lifestyle moving to thailand real life real people real thailand retire early retire thailand retire young Thailand thailand christmas thailand vlog Travel warren gerdes
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